griffin gagler

my name is griffin gagler, and this is my website. i am an artist and designer with work spanning across mediums on the same plane as this website to things you can feel and witness the physical presence of. i also am very fond of coffee and espresso and try to find job in my day job.

most people as children have made art, some however have chosen to pursue it as a career. a career is something that you are supposed to have your whole life, as a sort of legacy. success is usually portrayed by building wealth; and with art, success in these terms is not very common. i personally try to measure my own success by how happy or content i can be in my life. i don't find much interest in living a life doing things i don't want to do.

i grew up an hour and a half north-west of new york city in a small town called monroe, ny. i lived there nearly my whole life until the age 21 when i lost my father to a 17 year battle with cancer and we sold the home nearly 6 months later. my mother moved to new jersey which i simply could not do (sorry mom!) so i moved to tarrytown, ny after graduating from undergradat purchase college in may of 2022, where i had also resided between the switch of selling my old home to moving to tarrytown. there i fell in love with coffee working at coffee labs roasters on main street. now, i reside in queens in new york city.

anyway, i hope you find my portfolio enntertaining!

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